About us
The IgG4-TREAT project aims
IgG4-autoimmune diseases (IgG4-AID) are rare but collectively correspond to a significant group of devastating diseases affecting many different organs, e.g. skin, brain, nerves and kidney in patients that often remain unresponsive to current treatments.
IgG4-AID have commonalities indicating a shared underlying
immunopathogenesis that make a joint approach to identify new therapeutic
targets and test new treatment strategies feasible and necessary.
hypothesize that genetic risk factors and a dysregulated immune response may lead
to an increased susceptibility to produce antibodies targeting self-proteins.
These are of a special subclass called IgG4, which are usually harmless but can
cause disease in these patients by interfering with normal functions in the
We are the first consortium that aims to study IgG4-AID comparatively, including pathogenic IgG4, and the cells, molecules and mechanisms involved in IgG4 autoantibody production, using an explorative multi-omics approaches in combination with state-of-the-art cell and molecular biology methodology.
We will establish a new humanized mouse model of IgG4-AID for the development and testing of a novel immune-apheresis based therapy aimed as immediate relief therapy for all IgG4-AID patients.
Our innovative training program combines university-based and multidisciplinary research-based training with state-of the art web-based training and in-person trainings by the academic and non-academic sector.
We aim to foster a new generation of experts in IgG4-AID that are
1) are highly employable both in the academic and industry sectors and qualified for innovative multidisciplinary translational research with a focus on biomedical product development and
2) equipped with the skillsets for digitalization, awareness for gender equality and diversity and competent in sustainable research and innovation approaches to address current and future challenges, such as climate change, social inequalities and pandemics.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101119457. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.